I was given this life with a silver plate…
This time of sheer joy… Well how do I even translate….
Just know this mate, this life is great…. 🙂

When there is peace around, and no debate…
When you don’t feel the need to own any estate…
I guess, its priceless to rise above misery and hate…

Have you heard of that new smiling state…?
Where people are not bothered over their high or low pay rate…
Instead they all just collate and create…
And are all content serving peace in the plate… 🙂


Well yes I am aware I need to lose weight…
But how do I help myself after I already ate…?
Then I just decide to ignore and negate….
And then justify myself saying,
“Relax, the ideal weight can wait….” 😄

Oh and I have an interesting update….
This little info has come from the mighty golden gate…
The way we’re spending life, it will soon deflate….
Now before it does, just grab your soul mate….
Hold hands and hop on that roller skate….
It’s high time, we really need to clean that slate….
We’re now out of all reasons to be more late…

Well what more do I say….
Let’s just keep it straight….
Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!
Cause hey mate! Did I tell you?
This life…. It’s just great…. 🙂

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Hey mate, this life is great… ðŸ™‚